Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Copyrighting consciousness

Dear Kaikulath,

I am sorry that you have misunderstood my intentions. You must not really know what I am about to write such a judgment. I have realized who I am and what I shall do for humanity; this realization has carried me beyond any sense or idea of even spirituality. For those who remain stuck in the conditions brought about by all the past teaching of so- called truth must come to realize that there is no absolute truth for all is relative to the current moment of human evolution. Those esteemed teachers like Buddha, Krishna, Christ, and the many others have served humanity with their teachings in the only way that current truth at that time could, but those teachings cannot and should not be held onto.

I trust you have the best interest in heart; but dear friend, you must look around you at the condition of the world to see how theses beliefs in truth as absolute are destroying the world and humanity. My intention is to set a new course for humanity. That does not come for an ego point of thinking but directly from what I am as the New Species and the Knower of what Life is asking of all humanity. Why is it so difficult to see that what I am doing is coming for a place of Love and concern for all humanity? I feel and suffer with humanity to the point of great physical pain which has driven me to take the next step and to do what I can to change the course set from the destructive truth of the past, which only served as best it could in that current state of humanity.

My knowing is that now humanity is ready for the next level of existence, and that Life has awakened in this person that I am, something that will serve the whole of humanity. This is not what you have judged it as. But it is for you to embrace the changes that I have so clearly presented in the teachings. These teachings, that are a result of the direct experience of Life, are not what has been given in the past but are a current body of knowing that has arisen from the knowing that is Life now. I have no desire to, as you say, consolidate an image, but I do desire to create a backdrop for those who have some insight that what has been is not working. It is my intention to point to the differences so that those who are ready can make the necessary changes in their lives. You must agree that how it has been is not working any longer, and it is time for change.

I have presented the Ishvarian Consciousness because that is who and what I am, and I am willing to go out on a limb, so to say, in order to relieve the tremendous suffering of humanity, I my be foolish to think that humanity is ready, but the knowing says it is time to take a stand and do what Life has pressed upon me to do.

I have invited all those who can understand and move beyond fear to take a stand with me so that we may see a new arena of Life take hold in this suffering world. I am that which knows, and I am that which is willing to place that knowing as the center piece of existence now.

I have no need to defend what I say, but I have a responsibility to make things clear so that there is not misunderstanding. I hope you are willing to let go of what you believe is an unchanging truth to see that even truth evolves with what Life is experiencing moment by moment.


You are a unique expression of Life
RE: Alaya Message: The Ishvarian Consciousness‎
From: Venugopal Kaikulath (venu1005@hotmail.com)
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 3:32:27 PM
To: Terry Grant (tgrant@alaya.org)
Dear Ishvar,

If you had ever felt that you got the Truth, you did well in expressing it to your fellow inhabitants of this earth. But now why do you want to hold on to your expressions, as if to copyright it? Truth is upheld by itself. Ishvars ever keep coming and going. Truth abides. It shall get expressed according to time and circumstances. Like all materialists, it appears you too want to consolidate an image. You, obviously, have not realised your spirituality fully. If you had, you would not have bothered to label your teachings and protect your image.

From: tgrant@alaya.orgTo: ;Subject: Alaya Message: The Ishvarian ConsciousnessDate: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 12:29:21 -0600
Weekly Message, June 9, 2007
The Ishvarian Consciousness
Written and transcribed by Terry Grant.

This is the continuation of a message I have transcribed and edited from a talk Ishvara gave on April 22, 2007. - TG.


It can be difficult to explain my teaching to others. I know it can be a hardship on you. What the heck do you say? Sometimes, "The bald-headed so and so says . . ." may work as well as anything.

Since the awakening began twenty years ago, everything I have taught has come from my direct experience of Life itself. I am a Life teacher. However, "Life teacher" doesn't really say anything either. That term could be interpreted to mean "live teacher," which is good, because most spiritual systems and structures have been founded by teachers who are now dead. There is a difference: I am alive.

I have been thinking, "Just what is this teaching?" I talk about the New Consciousness, and the New Species, and I present myself as an example of that. This is about Consciousness, my Consciousness, therefore this is the "Ishvarian Consciousness."

I know, you are afraid of having to run around yelling, "Hare, Hare," or something like that, but that misses the teaching altogether. My teaching is about living Life fully, completely, not avoiding anything, but facing everything.

If you are a Hare Krishna, or a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or a Christian, there is a lot of denial: "Thou shalt not. . . . Thou shalt not have fun." I was raised in a religious faith where the way to determine whether something was sinful depended on whether it was fun. If it was fun, it was sinful. Everything was so serious!

The "Ishvarian Consciousness" fits me well, because I am Ishvara, and I am presenting to you the New Consciousness that is beyond anything else that is here. It is new. The Ishvarian Consciousness is beyond the systems, structures and beliefs of this world. I realize that can sound egotistic. If one thinks it is the ego, then that is what one thinks, but if you have paid attention to the teachings for any period of time, you will realize that the ego really has no place. The ego is just a set of parameters and boundaries falsely set up to establish some kind of identity, some footing. If you don't know who you are, if you have to use some parameters and boundaries to define yourself, to make yourself look a certain way, you are not getting it.

The Ishvarian Consciousness is about living Life to the fullest, being all you can be. If you have known me for any amount of time, you realize that I am the teaching, my life is the teaching, my experience is the teaching. That is the Ishvarian Consciousness. To live up to my name is to realize all that the human being can know of anything beyond -- beyond concept, belief, or condition.

The Ishvarian Consciousness is beyond belief, beyond concept, beyond conditioning. It is a practical application of what one is. I realize this can be very powerful. It opens up an avenue that begins to access certain higher possibilities. For when you see yourself as part of the Ishvarian Consciousness, you begin to see yourself as part of an accelerated Life, an elevated Life, a more direct experience, with the ability to access even more awareness through the connection in this Consciousness.

After you get over the fear of being a part of something that is labeled, you begin to realize that you can be a part of something that is This, that is beyond the world, beyond conditions. When you realize you can claim a part of that, a relationship and connection with that, you are actually claiming a higher power, a more connected awareness to which you constantly have access.

You know, in secret, you have called upon me anyway. You may not want anybody else to know you are doing that because you might appear to be powerless or dependent. Yet I hear you when you call from your heart. No matter what your head thinks, what your intellect does, when it comes from your heart I hear you, and because I hear you, I have to respond. That is the nature of The Consciousness. That is the nature of my being: to respond to the need I become aware of.

(To be continued next week).

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